Friday 3 February 2017

Solange Magnano plastic surgery 19 Solange Magnano – death because of plastic surgery

Solange Magnano plastic surgery 19


Solange Magnano – death because of plastic surgery


What people will do for the beauty , unfortunately, is best illustrated by the former Miss Argentina , Solange Magnano, who passed away after complications in cosmetic procedure (plastic surgery).

The 38 -year-old beauty was keen to strengthen the glutes – gluteoplasty, and due to clot formation during the operation died of pulmonary embolism after three days of heavy fighting for her life in hospital in Buenos Aires .
According to the AP, which quoted a close friend of the deceased Misses, operations involving the injection of fluids into her behind , but fluid, unfortunately, soon found its way to the brain and lungs.
On arrival at the hospital, where she died, she was in rather poor health condition.

Solange Magnano plastic surgery

Solange Magnano was Argentina’s representative at the Miss World 15 years ago, and in 2001 became the proud mother of twins. Commemoration in her honor and funeral were broadcast on Argentine television .

Solange Magnano

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