Monday 30 January 2017

Meg Ryan – plastic surgery – what went wrong?

Meg Ryan – just turned 50 this year, has had her fair share of unnecessary plastic surgery.

She was first noticed in 1989 when playing excellently the leading role in the film When Harry met Sally. She was perfest for playing in good romantic – comedy films such as Addicted love, Sleepless in Seattle, French kiss,  City of Angels… She was definitely one of the most beautiful actresses with most innocent face, great smile and charming looks in Hollywood.

Before and after plastic surgery

Some of them were literary plastic surgery disasters. She has had lip implants in the past, here are the plastic surgery procedures Meg Ryan has been rumored to have had:

• First thing that is obvious are Lips. They were injected with fillers or some other procedure has been done to make them all swollen looking (WHY???).
• Second thing are Cheeks. They look like implants to me, or maybe fillers, or maybe fat grafting but definitely are modified.
• Next – Eyes. Meg eyes look very stretched. Her eyes look pulled slanted now.
• Another noticeable thing are Brows. They seem lifted. She looks permanently surprised now.
• Neck lift is a probability. In my opinion she removed hanging skin we all get as we grow older.
• And for the last she definitely did some forehead lift and/or Botox injections. She looks nice and stretched out.

  • As if it all wasn’t enough she went for breast implants. Breast augmentation was, as all other plastic surgery procedures, done right. She went over the edge and did too much.
Unfortunately, she look worse than before. All innocent beauty is gone One thing that she hasn’t had is breast augmentation, at least not yet

Check out the gallery and tell us what you think!

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